KVM Switch
to operate 2 computers with 1 keyboard/mouse -
Streamdeck for business users
a game-changing (pun not intended) piece of kit for any knowledge worker -
Showcasing my home office on Workspaces.xyz
joining the community of home office enthusiasts. -
Airpods Max
impressive headphones. -
USB Hubs & Docks
the endless quest for the perfect USB hub or dock -
Ethernet Cable Tester
troubleshooting wired internet connectivity issues -
Python Library: tkinter
built-in Python library for UI -
About open-source projects
Python snippet: download files
Python Library: PyMsgBox
A simple, cross-platform, pure Python module for JavaScript-like message boxes. -
Python Library: tweepy
Twitter for Python -
Python Library: dateutil
better library for date parsing than datetime's strptime -
How to create user interfaces with Python
Libraries for Python
Sending emails with Python
Generate Sitemap with Python
simple script to generate my sitemaps -
Extract all app logos to PNG
Python snippet: Clean beginning of strings
functions I use across many projects -
Save images with Python
how to save images on disk with Python -
Get all links in a HTML page
Python Library: requests
Python HTTP for Humans. Requests is a simple, yet elegant HTTP library. -
Python Library: Beautifulsoup
makes it easy to scrape information from web pages -
Python Library: datetime
The datetime module supplies classes for manipulating dates and times.