Archives for 2020

28 Dec 2020 Rode NTG3
13 Dec 2020 AVerMedia Live Streamer CAM 513
24 Nov 2020 Green paint for chroma keying
02 Nov 2020 Promptsmart - the teleprompter companion
09 Oct 2020 Google services
01 Jul 2020 Solving the Rubik's cube
03 Jun 2020 #CareerPlaybook 022: Asking many questions
01 Jun 2020 #CareerPlaybook 021: Hiring for enthusiasm and ability to learn
29 May 2020 #CareerPlaybook 020: Owning your mistakes
27 May 2020 #CareerPlaybook 019: The Power of ‘Thank You’
23 May 2020 #CareerPlaybook 018: Knowing the difference between a good Leader and a good Manager
30 Mar 2020 My guide to start learning programming in Python (for Business People)
27 Mar 2020 #CareerPlaybook 017: Everyone should learn programming
23 Mar 2020 Freedom | Block distracting websites and apps
21 Mar 2020 Life 3.0
02 Mar 2020 #CareerPlaybook 016: Are you taking notes?
24 Feb 2020 #CareerPlaybook 015: Learning to read body language & face expressions
23 Feb 2020 Platform Revolution
20 Feb 2020 Tesla's Anti-Handbook Handbook
19 Feb 2020 #StartupPlaybook 01: How to bootstrap a Tech startup, without a Tech cofounder
17 Feb 2020 #CareerPlaybook 014: Why format matters
16 Feb 2020 4K Video Downloader | download Youtube videos
14 Feb 2020 CSS Tools
14 Feb 2020 #StartupPlaybook 00: My learnings (so far)
14 Feb 2020 The Lean Startup
12 Feb 2020 What Every BODY is Saying
09 Feb 2020 #CareerPlaybook 013: Every situation has something positive to it
06 Feb 2020 #CareerPlaybook 012: Learning The Art of Negotiation is helpful for everyone
06 Feb 2020 Why helping others?
04 Feb 2020 #CareerPlaybook 011: Putting yourself in the other one's shoes
02 Feb 2020 The music lover's best kept secret? Custom IEMs.
29 Jan 2020 Disappointed by Linkedin
28 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 010: The present is our future's past
26 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 009: Outsourcing Tasks (are you still doing everything yourself?)
23 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 008: Being in control of your day (with a jar of pickles)
21 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 007: Why having a goal matters
21 Jan 2020 \"You don't need to mansplain to me\"
19 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 006: There are no problems, only challenges
17 Jan 2020 I am seriously considering being part of the first colons to Mars. You?
16 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 005: Asking for blunt feedback (and how to handle it)
15 Jan 2020 FollowUpThen: Are you struggling to consistently follow-up on (your) emails?
14 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 004: The Jerry Maguire play (and how to make it work for you)
12 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 003: Walking Meetings
12 Jan 2020 Home Office: Controllers
09 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 002: Imposter syndrome is more widespread than you think
07 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 001: Always Be Learning (and How To)
05 Jan 2020 #CareerPlaybook 000: Introduction
02 Jan 2020 Embedding the success question into the design or selection of a project
01 Jan 2020 Are You Selling Aspirin, a Vaccine or a Vitamin?
01 Jan 2020 High Output Management, by Andy Grove
01 Jan 2020 The advice I always give when mentoring
01 Jan 2020 The Mom Test
01 Jan 2020 What Is Sales?
01 Jan 2020 Who: The A Method for Hiring

