High Output Management, by Andy Grove

Foundational book on management.

High Output Management

Easy read & very practical.

One of the book's key takeaways is the notion of:

the manager as a multiplier of their team's output

Key concepts

Task-Relevant Maturity

Tailor your management style to the level of competence and experience of your team members. Provide more guidance and supervision to those who need it and grant autonomy to those who are capable of working independently.


Identify high-leverage activities that can have a significant impact on your organization's success. Focus your efforts on these areas to maximize your impact.


Make meetings more productive by setting clear objectives, preparing in advance, and ensuring that decisions are made. Grove introduces the concept of "one-on-one" and "staff meetings" to streamline communication and decision-making.

Management by Objectives (MBO)

Implement a goal-setting system that aligns individual and team goals with the organization's objectives. Regularly review progress and provide feedback to ensure everyone is on track.


Foster a culture of open and constructive feedback. Encourage both positive and negative feedback to help individuals and teams improve their performance.

Time Management

Recognize that your time as a manager is valuable. Allocate it wisely by focusing on high-priority tasks and delegating responsibilities whenever possible.


Develop a systematic approach to decision-making by considering alternatives, gathering input from relevant parties, and making well-informed choices.


Emphasize the importance of clear and effective communication within your organization. Ensure that everyone understands the goals, priorities, and expectations.

Training and Development

Invest in the training and development of your team members to enhance their skills and competencies. This can lead to increased productivity and morale.

Crisis Management

Prepare for and handle crises effectively by establishing crisis management procedures and assembling crisis teams.

Managerial Ethics

Maintain a high standard of ethical conduct and lead by example. Uphold the values and principles of your organization.

Performance Evaluation

Implement a fair and transparent performance evaluation system that provides feedback and recognizes outstanding contributions.


Be flexible and willing to adapt to changing circumstances and market conditions. Continuously reassess and adjust your strategies as needed.

Team Dynamics

Understand the dynamics of your team, including individual strengths and weaknesses, to build a cohesive and high-performing group.

Manager as a Role Model

Recognize that as a manager, your behavior and attitude set the tone for your team. Be a role model for professionalism, work ethic, and commitment.

