Project: Top 1000 movies

because why not

15 Jul 2022


  • remind myself of past great movies and rewatch them
  • guide the lifetime movies journey of my kids
  • structure better my watch time (great movies to watch rather than random-Netflixing)
  • tinker with TMDB API and create an effective workflow

Reference: 787,956 Movies on TMDB.

17 Jul 2022


  • add selected movies to a private list on TMDB !python/tmdb-api
  • fetch data from TMDB into Grist spreadsheet !apps/grist for movie management
  • generate Markdown files for this site !python/library-pelican

24 Jul 2022

Download private list from TMDB, add to Grist for management and prepare for upload to this site

TMDB list up and running with ~500 movies to start with:


Working code, including adding to Grist for management (single source of truth):

import requests
import urllib.request
from slugify import slugify

tmdb_api_key = os.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")
tmdb_v4_token = os.getenv("TMDB_V4_TOKEN")

grist_movies_doc_id = grist_PE.get_grist_movies_doc_id()
grist_api_key = grist_PE.get_grist_api_key()

my_top_1000_list_id = 8210669

existing_movies_tmdb_ids = grist_PE.get_movies_tmdb_ids()
# print(f"{existing_movies_tmdb_ids=}")
print(f"{len(existing_movies_tmdb_ids)} movies in DB.\n")

count = 0
count_added = 0

total_pages = 1

# add logic to loop through all the pages

my_1000_url = f"{my_top_1000_list_id}?page=1&api_key={tmdb_api_key}"
res_list = requests.get(my_1000_url).json() 
# returns dict with 19 fields:
    # average_rating
    # backdrop_path
    # comments
    # created_by
    # description
    # id
    # iso_3166_1
    # iso_639_1
    # name
    # object_ids
    # page
    # poster_path
    # public
    # results
    # revenue
    # runtime
    # sort_by
    # total_pages
    # total_results
    # pp.pprint(m)

    # the object_ids object includes the list of all movie ids in my list. Will be using that. 

for m in res_list['object_ids']:
    count += 1

    # print(f"{m=}") # m is a string like 'movie:100' (print res_list['object_ids'] to check), so need to remove first 6 characters to grab the movie id.
    movie_id = m[6:] # 
    # print(f"{movie_id=}")

    if int(movie_id) not in existing_movies_tmdb_ids:
        # print(f"New movie: processing...")
        movie_url = f"{movie_id}?api_key={tmdb_api_key}"
        res_movie = requests.get(movie_url).json()

        title = res_movie["title"]
        slug = slugify(title)
        original_language = res_movie["original_language"]
        original_title = res_movie["original_title"]
        tagline = res_movie["tagline"]
        budget = res_movie["budget"]
        tmdb_id = res_movie["id"]
        imdb_id = res_movie["imdb_id"]
        overview = res_movie["overview"]
        release_date = res_movie["release_date"]
        revenue = res_movie["revenue"]
        runtime = res_movie["runtime"]
        poster_path = f"{res_movie['poster_path']}"
        poster_path_w154 = f"{res_movie['poster_path']}"
        print(f"\n{count} adding {title=}")
        # print(f"{original_language=}")
        # print(f"{original_title=}")
        # print(f"{tagline=}")
        # print(f"{budget=}")
        # print(f"{tmdb_id=}")
        # print(f"{imdb_id=}")
        # print(f"{overview=}")
        # print(f"{release_date=}")
        # print(f"{revenue=}")
        # print(f"{runtime=}")
        # print(f"{poster_path=}")

        # Save poster original size locally
        poster_filepath = f"/Users/nic/Pictures/movie_posters/{slug}.jpg"

        # Save poster small size locally for easier upload to Grist + notes publishing later
        poster_small_filepath = f"/path/to/folder/poster_{slug}_w154.jpg"

        urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{poster_path}", poster_filepath)
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{poster_path_w154}", poster_small_filepath)

        # Upload small poster to Grist
        response =
                                files={"upload": open(poster_small_filepath, "rb")},
                                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {grist_api_key}"},
        attachment_id = response.json()[0]
        # print(f"{attachment_id=}") # to check
        poster_file = ["L", attachment_id]
        # print(f"{poster_file=}") # to check

        grist_PE.Movies.add_records('Master', [
                                        {   'title': title,
                                            'slug': slug,
                                            'og_title': original_title,
                                            'language': original_language,
                                            'tagline': tagline,
                                            'budget': budget,
                                            'tmdb_id': tmdb_id,
                                            'imdb_id': imdb_id,
                                            'overview': overview,
                                            'release_date': release_date,
                                            'revenue': revenue,
                                            'runtime': runtime,
                                            'poster': poster_file,
        count_added += 1

    # else:
    #     print(f"{count} {movie_id=} already in Grist.")

print(f"\nCount ADDED: {count_added}")

First run with 492 movies in my list on TMDB:



Count = 492

------------------------------- finished in 13.281666666666666 minutes.

Seems to run well.
Running the script from now on (runs in 5s-ish) will add to Grist only the new additions in TMDB.

Next steps:

  • Add new movies to TMDB & refine workflow as needed.
  • Write code to generate movie library list for this site.

add new movies

First hurdle: no way to see on TMDB's Top Rated page which movies are already in my list. Impossibly painful to continue adding movies like that :(

Streamline the process by fetching movies from TMDB's Top Rated list ( and filtering out:

  • those already in my list
  • movies where original language is not en, fr or de (by large most movies I have seen)

Adding them to Grist where I can easily select which ones to add to my list, and update my list on TMDB back via API (using TMDB ID).

Working code:

# Getting Top Rated movied from TMDB, filtering out:   
# - those already in my list  
# - movies where original language is not `en`, `fr` or `de` (only movies I have seen)   

import requests
import urllib.request
from slugify import slugify

tmdb_api_key = os.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")
tmdb_v4_token = os.getenv("TMDB_V4_TOKEN")

grist_movies_doc_id = grist_PE.get_grist_movies_doc_id()
grist_api_key = grist_PE.get_grist_api_key()

count = 0
count_added = 0

existing_movies_tmdb_ids = grist_PE.get_movies_tmdb_ids()
print(f"{len(existing_movies_tmdb_ids)} movies in my DB.\n")
existing_top_rated_movies_tmdb_ids = grist_PE.get_top_rated_movies_tmdb_ids()
print(f"{len(existing_top_rated_movies_tmdb_ids)} Top Rated movies in DB.\n")

total_pages = requests.get(f"{tmdb_api_key}").json()['total_pages']
# total_pages = 3 # for tests purposes
print(f"{total_pages} pages of Top Rated movies on TMDB.\n")

for page in range(1, total_pages):

    top_rated_movies_url = f"{page}&api_key={tmdb_api_key}"
    res_list = requests.get(top_rated_movies_url).json() 
    # pp.pprint(res_list)

    for m in res_list['results']:

        # returns dict with 4 fields:
        #     page: int
        #     results: list of dicts with 14 fields per movie, 20 movies per page: 
        #         adult
        #         backdrop_path
        #         genre_ids
        #         id
        #         original_language
        #         original_title
        #         overview
        #         popularity
        #         poster_path
        #         release_date
        #         title
        #         video
        #         vote_average
        #         vote_count
        #     total_pages: int / 507
        #     total_results: int / 10127

        #     the results object includes the list of all movies. Will be using that. 

        movie_id = m["id"]

        if int(movie_id) not in existing_movies_tmdb_ids:

            if int(movie_id) not in existing_top_rated_movies_tmdb_ids:

                original_language = m["original_language"]

                if original_language in ['en', 'de', 'fr']:

                    movie_url = f"{movie_id}?api_key={tmdb_api_key}"
                    res_movie = requests.get(movie_url).json()

                    title = m["title"]
                    slug = slugify(title)
                    original_title = m["original_title"]
                    tmdb_id = m["id"]
                    tmdb_url = f"{movie_id}-{slug}" # adding the TMDB URL for easy cheching
                    overview = m["overview"]
                    release_date = m["release_date"]
                    poster_path_w154 = f"{res_movie['poster_path']}" # only need small version for check purposes

                    # => when importing selected movies to Master table (Top 1000), need to use the{movie_id}?api_key={tmdb_api_key} endpoint for each to get missing fields

                    # Save poster small size locally for easier upload to Grist
                    poster_filepath = f"/Users/nic/Pictures/movie_posters/154/{slug}_154.jpg"
                    urllib.request.urlretrieve(poster_path_w154, poster_filepath)

                    # Upload small poster to Grist
                    response =
                                            files={"upload": open(poster_filepath, "rb")},
                                            headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {grist_api_key}"},
                    attachment_id = response.json()[0]
                    # print(f"{attachment_id=}") # to check
                    poster_file = ["L", attachment_id]
                    # print(f"{poster_file=}") # to check

                    grist_PE.Movies.add_records('TopRated', [
                                                    {   'title': title,
                                                        'og_title': original_title,
                                                        'language': original_language,
                                                        'tmdb_url': tmdb_url,
                                                        'tmdb_id': tmdb_id,
                                                        'release_date': release_date,
                                                        'poster': poster_file,
                    count_added += 1

print(f"\nCount ADDED: {count_added}")

First run with 507 pages of top-rated movies on TMDB:


8,118 movies added.

Script failed though on page 501/507. Missing a try/except statement. Seems to be API limitation at 10k records? (500 * 20).

add movies from top rated list on Grist to my TMDB list

25 Jul 2022

struggling to authenticate to add/delete movies from my TMDB list.

Asked for help:

Get back to it later...

adding missing director for each movie in Grist (data point not available from top_rated or list)

Working code, adding to Grist directly !apps/grist :

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import grist_PE # my own module to add to Grist

tmdb_api_key = os.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")

from tmdbv3api import TMDb, Movie, Person
tmdb = TMDb()
tmdb.api_key = tmdb_api_key
tmdb.language = 'en'
tmdb.debug = True

def director_by_movie_id(movie_id): # returns list of strings/directors
    list_directors = []
    movie = Movie()
    movie_title = movie.details(movie_id)['title']
    m = movie.credits(movie_id) 
    for crew in m.crew: # list of dict
        if crew['job'] == 'Director':
    print(f"Checked {movie_title}: {' '.join(list_directors)}")
    return list_directors

top_1000_data = grist_PE.Movies.fetch_table('Master')
print(f"{len(top_1000_data)} movies in Grist Top 1000\n")

for m in top_1000_data:
    count_row += 1

    if m.director in [None, ""]:
        count +=1

        movie_id = m.tmdb_id

        print(f"Processing {m.title} with ID {movie_id}")
        director = director_by_movie_id(movie_id)[0] # fetch first one only in list / could be reworked with a join for multi-director movies

        print(f"row{count_row} #{count} updating {m.title}")

        grist_PE.Movies.update_records('Master', [
                                                    'director': director,

code to generate movie library list for this site

Working script:

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import grist_PE 

from operator import attrgetter # to sort namedtuple returned from Grist
from datetime import datetime
from slugify import slugify

top_1000_data = grist_PE.Movies.fetch_table('Master') # list of namedtuples
total = len(top_1000_data)
print(f"{total} movies in Grist Top 1000\n")

today =
date_today = today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

total_runtime = 0

output = ''

top_1000_data_sorted_by_release_date = sorted(top_1000_data, key=attrgetter('release_date'))

for m in top_1000_data_sorted_by_release_date:

    count_row += 1

    if m.delete == False:

        count += 1

        poster_path = f"<img class=\"screenshot\" src=\"{m.slug}_w154.jpg\" alt=\"{m.slug}\"/>"
        title = m.title
        slug = slugify(title)
        director = m.director
        year = date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(m.release_date).year #<class 'datetime.datetime'> 2019-02-07 00:00:00
        tagline = m.tagline
        rating = "⭐️" * m.rating
        total_runtime += m.runtime
        tmdb_url = f"{m.tmdb_id}-{slug}"

        output = f"{output}\n{poster_path} | <a href=\"{tmdb_url}\" target=\"_blank\">{title}</a> | {director} | {year} | {tagline} | {rating} | "

# Adding the header at the end to ensure proper movie count
header = f"Title: My Top 1,000 Movies  \nSummary: an ongoing project...\n\n!projects/1000-movies   \n\n{count} movies so far, for a total runtime of {int(total_runtime / 60)}h or {round(((total_runtime / 60) / 24), 1)} days...\n\nposter | title | director | year | tagline | rating |\n---|---|---|---|---|---|"

output = f"{header}  {output}  \n\nData & images from TMDB: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"logo_tmdb.svg\"/>  </a>"

with open(f"notes/content/articles/movies/", 'w') as file:


Title: My Top 1,000 Movies  
Summary: an ongoing project...


445 movies so far, for a total runtime of 945h or 39.4 days...

poster | title | director | year | tagline | rating |
<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="the-adventures-of-robin-hood"/> | <a href="" target="_blank">The Adventures of Robin Hood</a> | Michael Curtiz | 1938 | Excitement... Danger... Suspense... as this classic adventure story sweeps across the screen! | ⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 
<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="mr-smith-goes-to-washington"/> | <a href="" target="_blank">Mr. Smith Goes to Washington</a> | Frank Capra | 1939 | Romance, drama, laughter and heartbreak... created out of the very heart and soil of America! | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 
<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="gone-with-the-wind"/> | <a href="" target="_blank">Gone with the Wind</a> | Victor Fleming | 1939 | The greatest romance of all time! | ⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 

Converted to HTML with Pelican !python/library-pelican:

Nic Note: My Top 1,000 Movies 😁

add movies from top rated list on Grist to my TMDB list

27 Jul 2022

Unable to solve authentication issue (see above).

Workaround: add movies from Grist "Top Rated" to Grist "Master" directly - no need to update TMDB list thinking about it.

working script:

# Fetching movie data from Grist "Top Rated" list to Grist Master / with dedupe

from datetime import datetime
import os
import time
start_time = time.time()
import sys

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import grist_PE

import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

print(f"{os.path.basename(__file__)} boilerplate loaded -----------")

import requests
import urllib.request
from slugify import slugify

tmdb_api_key = os.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")

grist_movies_doc_id = grist_PE.get_grist_movies_doc_id()
grist_api_key = grist_PE.get_grist_api_key()

existing_movies_tmdb_ids = grist_PE.get_movies_tmdb_ids()
print(f"{len(existing_movies_tmdb_ids)} movies in DB.\n")

count_row = 0
count = 0
count_added = 0

# Boilerplate for director search

from tmdbv3api import TMDb, Movie, Person
tmdb = TMDb()
tmdb.api_key = tmdb_api_key
tmdb.language = 'en'
tmdb.debug = True

def director_by_movie_id(movie_id): # returns list of strings
    list_directors = []
    movie = Movie()
    movie_title = movie.details(movie_id)['title']
    m = movie.credits(movie_id) 
    for crew in m.crew: # list of dict
        if crew['job'] == 'Director':
    return list_directors

# TopRated data
movies_top_rated_data = grist_PE.Movies.fetch_table('TopRated')
print(f"{len(movies_top_rated_data)} movies in Grist TopRated\n")

for m in movies_top_rated_data:
    count_row += 1

    movie_id = m.tmdb_id

    if int(movie_id) not in existing_movies_tmdb_ids:

        if m.add_top_1000 == True or m.to_watch == True:
            count += 1

            movie_url = f"{movie_id}?api_key={tmdb_api_key}"
            res_movie = requests.get(movie_url).json()

            title = res_movie["title"]
            slug = slugify(title)
            original_language = res_movie["original_language"]
            original_title = res_movie["original_title"]
            tagline = res_movie["tagline"]
            budget = res_movie["budget"]
            tmdb_id = res_movie["id"]
            tmdb_url = f"{movie_id}-{slug}"
            imdb_id = res_movie["imdb_id"]
            overview = res_movie["overview"]
            release_date = res_movie["release_date"]
            release_year = int(release_date[:4])
            revenue = res_movie["revenue"]
            runtime = res_movie["runtime"]
            poster_path = f"{res_movie['poster_path']}"
            poster_path_w154 = f"{res_movie['poster_path']}"

            director = director_by_movie_id(movie_id)[0]

            print(f"\n{count} adding {title} by {director}")

            # Save poster original size locally
            poster_filepath = f"/path/to/folder/movie_posters/{slug}.jpg"

            # Save poster small size locally for easier upload to Grist + notes publishing later
            poster_small_filepath = f"/path/to/pelican/folder/notes/content/images/movies/poster_{slug}_w154.jpg"

            urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{poster_path}", poster_filepath)
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{poster_path_w154}", poster_small_filepath)

            # Upload small poster to Grist
            response =
                                    files={"upload": open(poster_small_filepath, "rb")},
                                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {grist_api_key}"},
            attachment_id = response.json()[0]
            poster_file = ["L", attachment_id]

            grist_PE.Movies.add_records('Master', [
                                            {   'title': title,
                                                'slug': slug,
                                                'og_title': original_title,
                                                'language': original_language,
                                                'tagline': tagline,
                                                'budget': budget,
                                                'tmdb_id': tmdb_id,
                                                'imdb_id': imdb_id,
                                                'overview': overview,
                                                'release_date': release_date,
                                                'release_year': release_year,
                                                'revenue': revenue,
                                                'runtime': runtime,
                                                'poster': poster_file,
                                                'tmdb_url': tmdb_url,
                                                'director': director,
            count_added += 1

print(f"\nCount ADDED: {count_added}")


if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(f"count_row = {count_row}")
    print(f"count = {count}")
    print(f"count_added = {count_added}")
    run_time = round((time.time() - start_time), 1)
    if run_time > 60:
        print(f'{os.path.basename(__file__)} finished in {run_time/60} minutes.')
        print(f'{os.path.basename(__file__)} finished in {run_time}s.')



count_row = 8118
count = 353
count_added = 353

------------------------------- finished in 12.32 minutes.

