Project: Top 1000 movies

because why not

15 Jul 2022


  • remind myself of past great movies and rewatch them
  • guide the lifetime movies journey of my kids
  • structure better my watch time (great movies to watch rather than random-Netflixing)
  • tinker with TMDB API and create an effective workflow

Reference: 787,956 Movies on TMDB.

17 Jul 2022


24 Jul 2022

Download private list from TMDB, add to Grist for management and prepare for upload to this site

TMDB list up and running with ~500 movies to start with:


Working code, including adding to Grist for management (single source of truth):

import requests
import urllib.request
from slugify import slugify

tmdb_api_key = os.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")
tmdb_v4_token = os.getenv("TMDB_V4_TOKEN")

grist_movies_doc_id = grist_PE.get_grist_movies_doc_id()
grist_api_key = grist_PE.get_grist_api_key()

my_top_1000_list_id = 8210669

existing_movies_tmdb_ids = grist_PE.get_movies_tmdb_ids()
# print(f"{existing_movies_tmdb_ids=}")
print(f"{len(existing_movies_tmdb_ids)} movies in DB.\n")

count = 0
count_added = 0

total_pages = 1

# add logic to loop through all the pages

my_1000_url = f"{my_top_1000_list_id}?page=1&api_key={tmdb_api_key}"
res_list = requests.get(my_1000_url).json() 
# returns dict with 19 fields:
    # average_rating
    # backdrop_path
    # comments
    # created_by
    # description
    # id
    # iso_3166_1
    # iso_639_1
    # name
    # object_ids
    # page
    # poster_path
    # public
    # results
    # revenue
    # runtime
    # sort_by
    # total_pages
    # total_results
    # pp.pprint(m)

    # the object_ids object includes the list of all movie ids in my list. Will be using that. 

for m in res_list['object_ids']:
    count += 1

    # print(f"{m=}") # m is a string like 'movie:100' (print res_list['object_ids'] to check), so need to remove first 6 characters to grab the movie id.
    movie_id = m[6:] # 
    # print(f"{movie_id=}")

    if int(movie_id) not in existing_movies_tmdb_ids:
        # print(f"New movie: processing...")
        movie_url = f"{movie_id}?api_key={tmdb_api_key}"
        res_movie = requests.get(movie_url).json()

        title = res_movie["title"]
        slug = slugify(title)
        original_language = res_movie["original_language"]
        original_title = res_movie["original_title"]
        tagline = res_movie["tagline"]
        budget = res_movie["budget"]
        tmdb_id = res_movie["id"]
        imdb_id = res_movie["imdb_id"]
        overview = res_movie["overview"]
        release_date = res_movie["release_date"]
        revenue = res_movie["revenue"]
        runtime = res_movie["runtime"]
        poster_path = f"{res_movie['poster_path']}"
        poster_path_w154 = f"{res_movie['poster_path']}"
        print(f"\n{count} adding {title=}")
        # print(f"{original_language=}")
        # print(f"{original_title=}")
        # print(f"{tagline=}")
        # print(f"{budget=}")
        # print(f"{tmdb_id=}")
        # print(f"{imdb_id=}")
        # print(f"{overview=}")
        # print(f"{release_date=}")
        # print(f"{revenue=}")
        # print(f"{runtime=}")
        # print(f"{poster_path=}")

        # Save poster original size locally
        poster_filepath = f"/Users/nic/Pictures/movie_posters/{slug}.jpg"

        # Save poster small size locally for easier upload to Grist + notes publishing later
        poster_small_filepath = f"/path/to/folder/poster_{slug}_w154.jpg"

        urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{poster_path}", poster_filepath)
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{poster_path_w154}", poster_small_filepath)

        # Upload small poster to Grist
        response =
                                files={"upload": open(poster_small_filepath, "rb")},
                                headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {grist_api_key}"},
        attachment_id = response.json()[0]
        # print(f"{attachment_id=}") # to check
        poster_file = ["L", attachment_id]
        # print(f"{poster_file=}") # to check

        grist_PE.Movies.add_records('Master', [
                                        {   'title': title,
                                            'slug': slug,
                                            'og_title': original_title,
                                            'language': original_language,
                                            'tagline': tagline,
                                            'budget': budget,
                                            'tmdb_id': tmdb_id,
                                            'imdb_id': imdb_id,
                                            'overview': overview,
                                            'release_date': release_date,
                                            'revenue': revenue,
                                            'runtime': runtime,
                                            'poster': poster_file,
        count_added += 1

    # else:
    #     print(f"{count} {movie_id=} already in Grist.")

print(f"\nCount ADDED: {count_added}")

First run with 492 movies in my list on TMDB:



Count = 492

------------------------------- finished in 13.281666666666666 minutes.

Seems to run well.
Running the script from now on (runs in 5s-ish) will add to Grist only the new additions in TMDB.

Next steps:

  • Add new movies to TMDB & refine workflow as needed.
  • Write code to generate movie library list for this site.

add new movies

First hurdle: no way to see on TMDB's Top Rated page which movies are already in my list. Impossibly painful to continue adding movies like that :(

Streamline the process by fetching movies from TMDB's Top Rated list ( and filtering out:

  • those already in my list
  • movies where original language is not en, fr or de (by large most movies I have seen)

Adding them to Grist where I can easily select which ones to add to my list, and update my list on TMDB back via API (using TMDB ID).

Working code:

# Getting Top Rated movied from TMDB, filtering out:   
# - those already in my list  
# - movies where original language is not `en`, `fr` or `de` (only movies I have seen)   

import requests
import urllib.request
from slugify import slugify

tmdb_api_key = os.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")
tmdb_v4_token = os.getenv("TMDB_V4_TOKEN")

grist_movies_doc_id = grist_PE.get_grist_movies_doc_id()
grist_api_key = grist_PE.get_grist_api_key()

count = 0
count_added = 0

existing_movies_tmdb_ids = grist_PE.get_movies_tmdb_ids()
print(f"{len(existing_movies_tmdb_ids)} movies in my DB.\n")
existing_top_rated_movies_tmdb_ids = grist_PE.get_top_rated_movies_tmdb_ids()
print(f"{len(existing_top_rated_movies_tmdb_ids)} Top Rated movies in DB.\n")

total_pages = requests.get(f"{tmdb_api_key}").json()['total_pages']
# total_pages = 3 # for tests purposes
print(f"{total_pages} pages of Top Rated movies on TMDB.\n")

for page in range(1, total_pages):

    top_rated_movies_url = f"{page}&api_key={tmdb_api_key}"
    res_list = requests.get(top_rated_movies_url).json() 
    # pp.pprint(res_list)

    for m in res_list['results']:

        # returns dict with 4 fields:
        #     page: int
        #     results: list of dicts with 14 fields per movie, 20 movies per page: 
        #         adult
        #         backdrop_path
        #         genre_ids
        #         id
        #         original_language
        #         original_title
        #         overview
        #         popularity
        #         poster_path
        #         release_date
        #         title
        #         video
        #         vote_average
        #         vote_count
        #     total_pages: int / 507
        #     total_results: int / 10127

        #     the results object includes the list of all movies. Will be using that. 

        movie_id = m["id"]

        if int(movie_id) not in existing_movies_tmdb_ids:

            if int(movie_id) not in existing_top_rated_movies_tmdb_ids:

                original_language = m["original_language"]

                if original_language in ['en', 'de', 'fr']:

                    movie_url = f"{movie_id}?api_key={tmdb_api_key}"
                    res_movie = requests.get(movie_url).json()

                    title = m["title"]
                    slug = slugify(title)
                    original_title = m["original_title"]
                    tmdb_id = m["id"]
                    tmdb_url = f"{movie_id}-{slug}" # adding the TMDB URL for easy cheching
                    overview = m["overview"]
                    release_date = m["release_date"]
                    poster_path_w154 = f"{res_movie['poster_path']}" # only need small version for check purposes

                    # => when importing selected movies to Master table (Top 1000), need to use the{movie_id}?api_key={tmdb_api_key} endpoint for each to get missing fields

                    # Save poster small size locally for easier upload to Grist
                    poster_filepath = f"/Users/nic/Pictures/movie_posters/154/{slug}_154.jpg"
                    urllib.request.urlretrieve(poster_path_w154, poster_filepath)

                    # Upload small poster to Grist
                    response =
                                            files={"upload": open(poster_filepath, "rb")},
                                            headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {grist_api_key}"},
                    attachment_id = response.json()[0]
                    # print(f"{attachment_id=}") # to check
                    poster_file = ["L", attachment_id]
                    # print(f"{poster_file=}") # to check

                    grist_PE.Movies.add_records('TopRated', [
                                                    {   'title': title,
                                                        'og_title': original_title,
                                                        'language': original_language,
                                                        'tmdb_url': tmdb_url,
                                                        'tmdb_id': tmdb_id,
                                                        'release_date': release_date,
                                                        'poster': poster_file,
                    count_added += 1

print(f"\nCount ADDED: {count_added}")

First run with 507 pages of top-rated movies on TMDB:


8,118 movies added.

Script failed though on page 501/507. Missing a try/except statement. Seems to be API limitation at 10k records? (500 * 20).

add movies from top rated list on Grist to my TMDB list

25 Jul 2022

struggling to authenticate to add/delete movies from my TMDB list.

Asked for help:

Get back to it later...

adding missing director for each movie in Grist (data point not available from top_rated or list)

Working code, adding to Grist directly Grist | The Evolution of Spreadsheets :

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import grist_PE # my own module to add to Grist

tmdb_api_key = os.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")

from tmdbv3api import TMDb, Movie, Person
tmdb = TMDb()
tmdb.api_key = tmdb_api_key
tmdb.language = 'en'
tmdb.debug = True

def director_by_movie_id(movie_id): # returns list of strings/directors
    list_directors = []
    movie = Movie()
    movie_title = movie.details(movie_id)['title']
    m = movie.credits(movie_id) 
    for crew in m.crew: # list of dict
        if crew['job'] == 'Director':
    print(f"Checked {movie_title}: {' '.join(list_directors)}")
    return list_directors

top_1000_data = grist_PE.Movies.fetch_table('Master')
print(f"{len(top_1000_data)} movies in Grist Top 1000\n")

for m in top_1000_data:
    count_row += 1

    if m.director in [None, ""]:
        count +=1

        movie_id = m.tmdb_id

        print(f"Processing {m.title} with ID {movie_id}")
        director = director_by_movie_id(movie_id)[0] # fetch first one only in list / could be reworked with a join for multi-director movies

        print(f"row{count_row} #{count} updating {m.title}")

        grist_PE.Movies.update_records('Master', [
                                                    'director': director,

code to generate movie library list for this site

Working script:

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import grist_PE 

from operator import attrgetter # to sort namedtuple returned from Grist
from datetime import datetime
from slugify import slugify

top_1000_data = grist_PE.Movies.fetch_table('Master') # list of namedtuples
total = len(top_1000_data)
print(f"{total} movies in Grist Top 1000\n")

today =
date_today = today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

total_runtime = 0

output = ''

top_1000_data_sorted_by_release_date = sorted(top_1000_data, key=attrgetter('release_date'))

for m in top_1000_data_sorted_by_release_date:

    count_row += 1

    if m.delete == False:

        count += 1

        poster_path = f"<img class=\"screenshot\" src=\"{m.slug}_w154.jpg\" alt=\"{m.slug}\"/>"
        title = m.title
        slug = slugify(title)
        director = m.director
        year = date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(m.release_date).year #<class 'datetime.datetime'> 2019-02-07 00:00:00
        tagline = m.tagline
        rating = "⭐️" * m.rating
        total_runtime += m.runtime
        tmdb_url = f"{m.tmdb_id}-{slug}"

        output = f"{output}\n{poster_path} | <a href=\"{tmdb_url}\" target=\"_blank\">{title}</a> | {director} | {year} | {tagline} | {rating} | "

# Adding the header at the end to ensure proper movie count
header = f"Title: My Top 1,000 Movies  \nSummary: an ongoing project...\n\nProject: Top 1000 movies   \n\n{count} movies so far, for a total runtime of {int(total_runtime / 60)}h or {round(((total_runtime / 60) / 24), 1)} days...\n\nposter | title | director | year | tagline | rating |\n---|---|---|---|---|---|"

output = f"{header}  {output}  \n\nData & images from TMDB: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"logo_tmdb.svg\"/>  </a>"

with open(f"notes/content/articles/movies/", 'w') as file:


Title: My Top 1,000 Movies  
Summary: an ongoing project...

Project: Top 1000 movies   

445 movies so far, for a total runtime of 945h or 39.4 days...

poster | title | director | year | tagline | rating |
<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="the-adventures-of-robin-hood"/> | <a href="" target="_blank">The Adventures of Robin Hood</a> | Michael Curtiz | 1938 | Excitement... Danger... Suspense... as this classic adventure story sweeps across the screen! | ⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 
<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="mr-smith-goes-to-washington"/> | <a href="" target="_blank">Mr. Smith Goes to Washington</a> | Frank Capra | 1939 | Romance, drama, laughter and heartbreak... created out of the very heart and soil of America! | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 
<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="gone-with-the-wind"/> | <a href="" target="_blank">Gone with the Wind</a> | Victor Fleming | 1939 | The greatest romance of all time! | ⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 

Converted to HTML with Pelican Building a static site with Pelican:

Nic Note: My Top 1,000 Movies 😁

add movies from top rated list on Grist to my TMDB list

27 Jul 2022

Unable to solve authentication issue (see above).

Workaround: add movies from Grist "Top Rated" to Grist "Master" directly - no need to update TMDB list thinking about it.

working script:

# Fetching movie data from Grist "Top Rated" list to Grist Master / with dedupe

from datetime import datetime
import os
import time
start_time = time.time()
import sys

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import grist_PE

import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

print(f"{os.path.basename(__file__)} boilerplate loaded -----------")

import requests
import urllib.request
from slugify import slugify

tmdb_api_key = os.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")

grist_movies_doc_id = grist_PE.get_grist_movies_doc_id()
grist_api_key = grist_PE.get_grist_api_key()

existing_movies_tmdb_ids = grist_PE.get_movies_tmdb_ids()
print(f"{len(existing_movies_tmdb_ids)} movies in DB.\n")

count_row = 0
count = 0
count_added = 0

# Boilerplate for director search

from tmdbv3api import TMDb, Movie, Person
tmdb = TMDb()
tmdb.api_key = tmdb_api_key
tmdb.language = 'en'
tmdb.debug = True

def director_by_movie_id(movie_id): # returns list of strings
    list_directors = []
    movie = Movie()
    movie_title = movie.details(movie_id)['title']
    m = movie.credits(movie_id) 
    for crew in m.crew: # list of dict
        if crew['job'] == 'Director':
    return list_directors

# TopRated data
movies_top_rated_data = grist_PE.Movies.fetch_table('TopRated')
print(f"{len(movies_top_rated_data)} movies in Grist TopRated\n")

for m in movies_top_rated_data:
    count_row += 1

    movie_id = m.tmdb_id

    if int(movie_id) not in existing_movies_tmdb_ids:

        if m.add_top_1000 == True or m.to_watch == True:
            count += 1

            movie_url = f"{movie_id}?api_key={tmdb_api_key}"
            res_movie = requests.get(movie_url).json()

            title = res_movie["title"]
            slug = slugify(title)
            original_language = res_movie["original_language"]
            original_title = res_movie["original_title"]
            tagline = res_movie["tagline"]
            budget = res_movie["budget"]
            tmdb_id = res_movie["id"]
            tmdb_url = f"{movie_id}-{slug}"
            imdb_id = res_movie["imdb_id"]
            overview = res_movie["overview"]
            release_date = res_movie["release_date"]
            release_year = int(release_date[:4])
            revenue = res_movie["revenue"]
            runtime = res_movie["runtime"]
            poster_path = f"{res_movie['poster_path']}"
            poster_path_w154 = f"{res_movie['poster_path']}"

            director = director_by_movie_id(movie_id)[0]

            print(f"\n{count} adding {title} by {director}")

            # Save poster original size locally
            poster_filepath = f"/path/to/folder/movie_posters/{slug}.jpg"

            # Save poster small size locally for easier upload to Grist + notes publishing later
            poster_small_filepath = f"/path/to/pelican/folder/notes/content/images/movies/poster_{slug}_w154.jpg"

            urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{poster_path}", poster_filepath)
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{poster_path_w154}", poster_small_filepath)

            # Upload small poster to Grist
            response =
                                    files={"upload": open(poster_small_filepath, "rb")},
                                    headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {grist_api_key}"},
            attachment_id = response.json()[0]
            poster_file = ["L", attachment_id]

            grist_PE.Movies.add_records('Master', [
                                            {   'title': title,
                                                'slug': slug,
                                                'og_title': original_title,
                                                'language': original_language,
                                                'tagline': tagline,
                                                'budget': budget,
                                                'tmdb_id': tmdb_id,
                                                'imdb_id': imdb_id,
                                                'overview': overview,
                                                'release_date': release_date,
                                                'release_year': release_year,
                                                'revenue': revenue,
                                                'runtime': runtime,
                                                'poster': poster_file,
                                                'tmdb_url': tmdb_url,
                                                'director': director,
            count_added += 1

print(f"\nCount ADDED: {count_added}")


if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(f"count_row = {count_row}")
    print(f"count = {count}")
    print(f"count_added = {count_added}")
    run_time = round((time.time() - start_time), 1)
    if run_time > 60:
        print(f'{os.path.basename(__file__)} finished in {run_time/60} minutes.')
        print(f'{os.path.basename(__file__)} finished in {run_time}s.')



count_row = 8118
count = 353
count_added = 353

------------------------------- finished in 12.32 minutes.

