15 Nov 2022
Looking to add an internet connection for redundancy. My 1Gbps cable connection is great when it works, but rather unreliable with regular dropouts.
Could go with a DSL line - cheaper - but I like the independance from the physical network that comes with Satellite connectivity (you never know) and prefer "investing" in Starlink rather than give my money to an old-fashioned telecoms provider.
See also Load Balancing my internet connection
Throttling at 1Tb introduced in Nov '22 in US:
Fair use
"This Fair Use Policy does not apply to Residential Services in your country at this time."
source: https://www.starlink.com/legal/documents/DOC-1144-32881-68?regionCode=DE
Ordered Pipe Adapter: Starlink_Pipe_Adapter_Guide_Rectangular.pdf
Power cycle Starlink (unplug the router from power and then plug back in). The router will take a few minutes to reboot, and will interrupt your service until you set up again. You can expect the light on the bottom of the router to be illuminated when on.
Factory Reset
Power cycle Starlink (unplug the router from power and then plug back in) 3 times in a row. The router will take a few minutes to reboot.
01 Jan 2024
"This router doesn't appear to be associated with your Starlink".
SpaceX' committment to space sustainability
"Atmospheric drag at these altitudes will deorbit a satellite naturally in 5 years or less"
"Starlink satellites are also fully demisable by design, meaning that the risk to those on the ground, in the air, or at sea from a deorbiting satellite is effectively zero as the satellites burn up during reentry."