My keyboard shortcuts

for reference


app shortcut action note
Alfred Alt L fetch last item(s) from Trickster set as Global Hotkey
Alfred tt fetch last item(s) from Trickster set as Alfred keyword
Alfred y search with set as Alfred keyword
Alfred yt search with Youtube set as Alfred keyword
Alfred twu search Twitter User set as Alfred keyword
Alfred Shift preview selected item default
Amethyst Option Shift 7 Focus screen 1
Amethyst Option Shift Command 7 Throw focused window to screen 1
Amethyst Option Shift 9 Focus screen 2
Amethyst Option Shift Command 9 Throw focused window to screen 2
Amethyst Option Shift 0 Focus screen 3
Amethyst Option Shift Command 0 Throw focused window to screen 3
Amethyst Option Shift 8 Focus screen 4
Amethyst Option Shift Command 8 Throw focused window to screen 4
Amethyst Option Shift T Toggle float for focused window
Amethyst Option Shift L Display current layout
Amethyst Option Control Shift X Toggle focus follows mouse
Amethyst Option Control Shift T Toggle global tiling
Amethyst Option Shift Command Return Swap focused window to counter clockwise screen
Amethyst Option Command Return Swap focused window to clockwise screen
Amethyst Option Shift 2 Swap focused window counter clockwise
Amethyst Option Shift 3 Swap focused window clockwise
Amethyst Option Shift 4 Swap focused window with main window
Amethyst Option Shift Z Force windows to be reevaluated
Amethyst Option Shift K Cycle layout forward
Amethyst Option Shift J Cycle layout backwards
Amethyst Option Shift H Shrink main pane
Amethyst Option Shift L Expand main pane
Amethyst Option Shift Up Arrow Increase main pane count
Amethyst Option Shift Down Arrow Decrease main pane count
Amethyst Option Shift W Move focus counter clockwise
Amethyst Option Shift E Move focus clockwise
Amethyst Option Shift M Move focus to main window
Amethyst Option Control Shift W Move focus to counter clockwise screen
Amethyst Option Control Shift E Move focus to clockwise screen
Brave Ctrl Tab Cycle through Tabs
Brave Alt ↓ Scroll Down Quick
Chrome Alt Cmd I Developer Tools
Chrome Alt ↓ Scroll Down Quick
Chrome Ctrl Tab Switch to next tab
Kinesis Mod ← Increase backlight
Kinesis Mod → Decrease backlight
Kinesis Mod HK2 or HK4 Check battery levels
macOS Option + Backspace delete last word
macOS Cmd + Backspace delete line up to cursor position
macOS Cmd Space Alfred Alfred Preferences
macOS Cmd Shift Space Show Spotlight search (changed from default Cmd Space) Shortcuts > Spotlight
macOS Alt Space Espanso snippet search (default) Espanso config file Espanso
macOS Shift Cmd P Alfred Clipboard History Alfred Preferences
macOS Shift Alt P Pixelsnap Pixelsnap Preferences
macOS Cmd Option Space
macOS Cmd D Copy (replacing the standard Cmd C, avoids moving finger from home row) Shortcuts > App Shortcuts
macOS Cmd F Paste (replacing the standard Cmd V, avoids moving finger from home row) Shortcuts > App Shortcuts
macOS F4 Edit > Paste and Match Style Shortcuts > App Shortcuts
macOS Ctrl ↑ Mission Control default
macOS Ctrl ↓ Application Windows (formerly App Exposé) default
macOS Cmd Scroll Zoom System Settings > Accessibility > Zoom
Pathfinder Ctrl Shift D Copy Path UNIX
Pathfinder Shift Cmd D Copy Name
Pathfinder Cmd 4 View as Columns
Pathfinder Cmd 5 View as List
Pathfinder Cmd ← Go To Enclosing Folder
Powerpoint ⌘ 1 Normal view default
Powerpoint ⌘ 2 Slide sorter view default
Powerpoint ⌘ Opt G Group default
Powerpoint Shift ⌘ Opt G Ungroup default
Powerpoint ⌘ Shift Enter Start Slideshow default
ScreenshotX Cmd Shift 5 capture window with ScreenShotX
Terminal Ctrl C clear line default
Things Cmd ↑ Move Item Up
Things Cmd ↓ Move Item Down
Things Cmd K Complete selected item
Things Cmd 2 Go To Today
VS Code Cmd Left Go to beginning of line
VS Code Cmd Right Go to end of line
VS Code Ctrl G Go line #
VS Code Cmd Up Go to beginning of file
VS Code Cmd Down Go to end of file
VS Code Cmd Shift A Select All Occurences
VS Code Cmd Shift W Close Window (=tab)
VS Code Cmd / comment / uncomment
VS Code Cmd Alt P Command Palette
VS Code Cmd Shift ] Switch to next Tab
VS Code Cmd Shift [ Switch to previous Tab
VS Code Ctrl W Open Window Selector (Switch Windows)
VS Code Cmd K then Cmd S Keyboard Shortcuts
VS Code Ctrl G Go To Line Number "Control Go"
VS Code Ctrl E Cursor End of Line "Control End of line "
VS Code Cmd ↓ Go to End of file
VS Code Cmd ↑ Go to Beginning of file
VS Code Cmd P Quick Open navigate to file
VS Code Cmd Shift O Go to Symbol navigate within file
VS Code Cmd ] Indent Line
VS Code Cmd [ Unindent Line
VS Code F6 Explorer
VS Code Shift Alt D Delete Line
VS Code Cmd Shift C Collapse Folders in Explorer collapseExplorerFolders
Edge Ctrl Tab Switch to next tab

Resources by App



Generally, pressing alt when doing almost anything that would normally apply to one letter, will apply it to the whole word word. For example:
Alt + Left/Right: Move left/right one word
Alt + Shift + Left/Right: Select one word left/right
Alt + Backspace: Delete one word to the left
Alt + Delete: Delete one word to the right.

And using the Cmd key instead of alt will mostly extend that to the beginning/end of the current line.

shortcut action setup
Option + Backspace delete last word
Cmd + Backspace delete line up to cursor position

Custom shortcuts using macOS' Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts


19 Sep 2022 update:

shortcut action setup
Cmd Space Alfred Alfred Preferences
Cmd Shift Space Show Spotlight search (changed from default Cmd Space) Shortcuts > Spotlight
Alt Space Espanso snippet search (default) Espanso config file Espanso
Shift Cmd P Alfred Clipboard History Alfred Preferences
Shift Alt P Pixelsnap Pixelsnap Preferences (from macOS menu)
Cmd Option Space
Cmd D Copy (replacing the standard Cmd C, avoids moving finger from home row) Shortcuts > App Shortcuts
Cmd F Paste (replacing the standard Cmd V, avoids moving finger from home row) Shortcuts > App Shortcuts
F4 Edit > Paste and Match Style Shortcuts > App Shortcuts

Customising the system-wide keybindings:

Window Management


shortcut action note
Ctrl ↑ Mission Control default
Ctrl ↓ Application Windows (formerly App Exposé) default


Application Windows / App Exposé

showing all windows of the same app.

Trackpad: swipe 3 fingers down.

shortcut action note
Tab Cycle through applications and their windows
Shift-Tab Go to the previous application
Arrow Keys Move between windows in Exposé
Spacebar or Enter Bring selected window to the front
Esc Leave Exposé, ignoring window selection



app shortcut action note
Amethyst ⌃⌥7 Focus screen 1
Amethyst ⌃⌥⌘7 Throw focused window to screen 1
Amethyst ⌃⌥9 Focus screen 2
Amethyst ⌃⌥⌘9 Throw focused window to screen 2
Amethyst ⌃⌥0 Focus screen 3
Amethyst ⌃⌥⌘0 Throw focused window to screen 3
Amethyst ⌃⌥8 Focus screen 4
Amethyst ⌃⌥⌘8 Throw focused window to screen 4
Amethyst ⌃⌥T Toggle float for focused window
Amethyst ⌃⌥L Display current layout
Amethyst ⌃⌥⇧X Toggle focus follows mouse
Amethyst ⌃⌥⇧T Toggle global tiling
Amethyst ⌃⌥↩ Swap focused window to counter clockwise screen
Amethyst ⌃⌥⌘↩ Swap focused window to clockwise screen
Amethyst ⌃⌥2 Swap focused window counter clockwise
Amethyst ⌃⌥3 Swap focused window clockwise
Amethyst ⌃⌥4 Swap focused window with main window
Amethyst ⌃⌥Z Force windows to be reevaluated
Amethyst ⌃⌥K Cycle layout forward
Amethyst ⌃⌥J Cycle layout backwards
Amethyst ⌃⌥H Shrink main pane
Amethyst ⌃⌥L Expand main pane
Amethyst ⌃⌥↑ Increase main pane count
Amethyst ⌃⌥↓ Decrease main pane count
Amethyst ⌃⌥W Move focus counter clockwise
Amethyst ⌃⌥E Move focus clockwise
Amethyst ⌃⌥M Move focus to main window
Amethyst ⌃⌥⇧W Move focus to counter clockwise screen
Amethyst ⌃⌥⇧E Move focus to clockwise screen


27 May 2024 update: stopped using & swapped with Amethyst

Nic Note: Moom


Current setup with 4 screens (see Nic Note: My Home Office Setup):

shortcut action setup
Cmd Shift 1 move & resize window to 1st third of the screen apps_moom-6.jpg
Cmd Shift 2 move & resize window to 2nd third of the screen apps_moom-CmdShift2.jpg
Cmd Shift 3 move & resize window to 3rd third of the screen apps_moom-CmdShift3.jpg
Cmd Shift 4 move & resize window to top third of the screen apps_moom-CmdShift4.jpg
Cmd Shift 5 (used for screenshots - see below)
Cmd Shift 6 move & resize window to middle third of the screen apps_moom-CmdShift6.jpg
Cmd Shift 7 move window to left screen Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts: create with exact name from macOS "Window" menu
Cmd Shift 8 move window to right screen Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts: create with exact name from macOS "Window" menu
Cmd Shift 9 move window to bottom screen (demo) Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts: create with exact name from macOS "Window" menu
Cmd Shift 0 move window to top screen (teleprompter) Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts: create with exact name from macOS "Window" menu
Cmd L resize: full screen apps_moom-7.jpg
Cmd Shift L resize: 1680x1050 apps_moom-CmdShiftL.jpg
Cmd Shift K resize: 3/4 of screen apps_moom-CmdShiftK.jpg
Cmd . resize: center of screen with Moom: apps_moom-5.jpg
Cmd ← move & resize: left half of screen apps_moom-CmdLeft.jpg
Cmd → move & resize: right half of screen apps_moom-CmdRight.jpg

Screenshots and screen recording

Required: ScreenShotX (see Nic Note: ScreenShotX)


shortcut action setup
Cmd Shift 5 capture window with ScreenShotX

VS Code

VS Code

Manage from Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts or Cmd K Cmd S.

shortcut action note
Cmd Shift A Select All Occurences
Cmd Shift W Close Window (=tab)
Cmd / comment / uncomment
Cmd Alt P Command Palette
Cmd Shift ] Switch to next Tab
Cmd Shift [ Switch to previous Tab
Ctrl W Open Window Selector (Switch Windows)
Cmd K then Cmd S Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl G Go To Line Number "Control Go"
Ctrl E Cursor End of Line "Control End of line "
Cmd ↓ Go to End of file
Cmd ↑ Go to Beginning of file
Cmd P Quick Open navigate to file
Cmd Shift O Go to Symbol navigate within file
Cmd ] Indent Line
Cmd [ Unindent Line
F6 Explorer
Cmd Shift C Collapse Folders in Explorer workbench.files.action.collapseExplorerFolders

Important to read for effective code navigation:

select a block of code

There is an option called Balance - still not clear why it's called like that 🤔

Place the cursor in the block of code to select, then call the Palette (Cmd Alt P for me) and search for Balance.

Select inward to select content within the tag, or outward to include the tags in selection.

Works with HTML, not yet tested with other languages.

Snippets in Visual Studio Code:


Standard shorcuts - for reference.

shortcut action setup
Ctrl C clear line default


Cannot be changed/customised :(

Keyboard shortcuts in Powerpoint:

Most used:

shortcut action setup
⌘ 1 Normal view default
⌘ 2 Slide sorter view default
⌘ Shift Enter Start Slideshow default


Cannot be changed/customised :(

Keyboard shortcuts in Word:


Nic Note: Pixelsnap

shortcut action setup
Shift Alt P Pixelsnap Pixelsnap Preferences (from macOS menu)
H add horizontal guide custom shortcut
V add vertical guide custom shortcut
Shift H hold horizontal distance custom shortcut
Shift V hold vertical distance custom shortcut


shortcut action
Ctrl Tab Cycle through Tabs
Alt ↓ Scroll Down Quick

TODO shortcut for selecting URL in address bar (not working)


shortcut action note
Cmd backtick Global Quick Entry add to Things from anywhere on macOS
Cmd ↑ Move Item Up
Cmd ↓ Move Item Down
Cmd K Complete selected item
Cmd 2 Go To Today




shortcut action note
Alt L fetch last item(s) from Trickster set as Global Hotkey
tt fetch last item(s) from Trickster set as Alfred keyword
y search with set as Alfred keyword
yt search with Youtube set as Alfred keyword
twu search Twitter User set as Alfred keyword
Shift preview selected item default


shortcut action note
Alt Cmd I Developer Tools
Alt ↓ Scroll Down Quick

Kinesis 360 Pro

Kinesis Advantage keyboard

shortcut action note
Mod ← Increase backlight
Mod → Decrease backlight
Mod HK2 or HK4 Check battery levels


shortcut action note
F1 Dual browser default

Microsoft Edge

note search code: kbs

