Email Automation for Sales outreaches

a key skill in today's Sales world

👷🏼‍♂️ WORK IN PROGRESS 👷🏼‍♂️

06 Sep 2022

For email examples see Cold Emails

data cleaning & preparation

key to maximise the effectiveness of any campaign. Tedious, long and painful but critical.

Using Apollo Apollo

And Bouncer Bouncer

Testing tools


Sending emails

own solution, with Python

Mailingee Mailingee

available solutions in the market




06 Sep 2023 What I've been using since May '23.

See Instantly

Technical Setup:
1. Buy 1 domain (eg if main domain is
3. Create 3 Email Accounts
4. Setup SPF, DMARC & DKIM
Email Deliverability
5. Domain Forwarding
6. Custom Tracking Domain
Now you need to set up your own custom tracking domain, which is your personal domain (or sub-domain) used to track opens and clicks in your emails. This is super important in order to protect your email deliverability.
If you do not set up your own custom tracking domain, a public tracking domain will be used which is much like sharing a toothbrush with everyone else sending out emails. This is obviously not good for the health of your domains and deliverability.
Just like SPF, DKIM and DMARC, your custom tracking domain can be set up with a simple DNS record entry in your domain provider’s settings.

Here’s how to set it up:

Go into your domain settings at your domain provider.
Add a new CNAME type record.
Set the value as
Set the name as inst
Insert your custom tracking domain in Instantly, it will be formatted as

  1. Check Technical Setup
  2. Connect Email Accounts To Instantly
  3. Activate Email Warmup


06 Sep 2023 Recommended on Linkedin. To test next if/when issues with Instantly (eg warmup undeliverables).


How to Personalize Emails & Calls at Scale - Becc Holland

