Python Script: consolidate list of emails from txt log files


  • ran an email campaign for a client, with 3.2k emails
  • received 800+ emails back, including manual answers, Out Of Office & Undeliverable


  • provide to client a list of email addresses to be flagged as "Undeliverable" (ie Do Not Email) in Hubspot


  1. run Imapee Imapee to sweep my email inbox for emails in "Undeliverable" emails. As the Imapee script was run multiple times, emails were log in .txt files in /log folder
  2. extract all emails logged by Imapee in a list of unique values (= set in Python)
  3. match emails with list of emails in client's Hubspot (to remove all emails collected that were not originally in the list)
  4. remove any email that was already flagged as "unsubsribe" in Hubspot (perhaps not necessary - there is some value in knowing an email is undeliverable vs a simple unsubscribe)


# default boilerplate here. See /python/boilerplate
# 220910 getting final list of all DNEs from xxxxxx campaign from log files

import csv

### set of emails from logs

set_emails_from_log = set()

count_files = 0
count_lines = 0

for root, dirs, files in os.walk("log"):
    for name in files:

        if name.endswith((".txt")):

            count_files += 1

            file_path = f"{root}/{name}"

            with open(file_path, 'r') as df:
                lines = df.readlines()
                count_lines_in_file = 0
                for line in lines:
                    count_lines += 1
                    count_lines_in_file += 1

                    if '\n' in line:
                        line = line.rstrip()

                    # print(repr(line))

                    if '@' in line: # basic but enough here - just taking care of removing any empty row

                ### DELETE EMPTY FILES / not necessary here, maintenance only
                if count_lines_in_file == 0:
                    print(f"DELETED {file_path} with {count_lines_in_file} lines.")

                ### Check
                # print(f"{file_path}:\t{count_lines_in_file} lines.")

# print(f"\n\nset_emails_from_log:")
# pp.pprint(set_emails_from_log)

### Match with existing XX contacts in Hubspot

csv_file = "data/220911_hubspot-crm-export_my-XX-contacts.csv"

count_row_csv = 0
count_unsubscribe = 0

all_hubspot_emails = []
all_hubspot_unsubscribe_emails = []

with open(csv_file, 'r', newline='', encoding='UTF-8') as h:
    reader = csv.reader(h, delimiter=",")
    data = list(reader)
    for row in data:
        count_row_csv += 1

        email = row[4]
        unsubscribe = row[5]

        if '@' in email:


            if unsubscribe != '':
                count_unsubscribe += 1
                # print(f"{count_row_csv} = {email}: {unsubscribe}")

list_delta = [] # to collect emails not added to final list / for verification or else. 

final_list_of_new_unsubscribe_emails = []

for email_found in set_emails_from_log:
    if email_found in all_hubspot_emails:
        if email_found not in all_hubspot_unsubscribe_emails:

# pp.pprint(final_list_of_new_unsubscribe_emails)

### write final file to share with client (CSV)

with open(f"data/{ts_file}_emails_to_unsubscribe_in_hubspot.csv", 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as i:
    writer = csv.writer(i, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, lineterminator='\n')
    writer.writerow(['email']) # header row
    for item in final_list_of_new_unsubscribe_emails:
        writer.writerow([item]) # pass list for row, else iterates through string

# default boilerplate here. See /python/boilerplate



count_files = 12
count_lines = 72090

set_emails_from_log: 762

all_hubspot_emails: 3577
all_hubspot_unsubscribe_emails: 595

final_list_of_new_unsubscribe_emails: 487

------------------------------- finished in 0.1s.

CSV list of 487 emails to mark as "Do Not Email" in their Hubspot provided to client.

