Python snippet: Clean beginning of strings
functions I use across many projects -
Save images with Python
how to save images on disk with Python -
Get all links in a HTML page
Python Library: requests
Python HTTP for Humans. Requests is a simple, yet elegant HTTP library. -
Python Library: Beautifulsoup
makes it easy to scrape information from web pages -
Python Library: datetime
The datetime module supplies classes for manipulating dates and times. -
Managing text files with Python
Python Library: tmdbapis | fetching movie data
Python wrapper for the TMDB API - themoviedb.org - with support for API v4 -
My Python scripts boilerplate
this is the boilerplate I use as a snippet in VS Code when I create a new Python script -
Create executable of a Pyhon application
Python Library: jinja2
A very fast and expressive template engine. -
Unicode in Python
always a pain -
Date formatting in Python
Python Library: Yagmail
GMAIL/SMTP client that aims to make it as simple as possible to send emails. -
Python Library: tldextract
Python Library: os (built-in)
ongoing note -
Python Library: geopy
locate the coordinates of addresses. -
Python Library: defaultdict
standard Python libraries useful when creating dicts -
How to get a website's metadata with Python
they should be used more -
Python Library: tmdbv3api | fetching movie data
Python wrapper for the TMDB API - themoviedb.org -
String snippets
PIP: Python's Package Manager
ongoing note