My Leadership & Management Style


More IQ than EQ.

I love to solve business problems, either internally or for the client.

This is what makes me appreciated by leaders in every company I have been at, as well as why I have closed the largest deals at every company.

I do not focus on bonding at the personal level with my team.

But I focus instead on ensuring I get to know them professionally and help them improve on that front, keeping their long term ambitions in mind.

This creates a bond which is reflected in the recommendations you can see on my profile.

I am not cold hearted - and will support team members who go through personal challenges - but I focus on the professional side of things.

Set the north star

Set a clear vision, long term, to help motivate on bigger goal than just the immediate task at hand, which can be frustrating or painful.

Define clear goals and metrics, with the underlying logic for setting these. Using buy in on how full slash why helps with commitment and motivation.

Lead by example

Start by doing it myself, if possible.

Never ask someone to do something I wouldn't do myself.

Sense of urgency

Weekly email

Tailor motivation

Beginning with hiring, understanding the person's long term goal, dreams & driver(s) is important.
Helps align motivations, and incentives to get the best out of the person.

Management by Objectives (MBO)

Break down the large goal into smaller, more manageable objectives.
For an AE, "hit $100k/month" is a large goal.
This can be broken down into key objectives & KPIs to get there, eg:
- 10 meetings/week
- 5 proposals/week
- 10 new contacts made at target accounts/week

Open & direct feedback.

Candid feedback is a gift - and efficient.

Bilateral. Expect the same from them to me.

Praise in public, criticize in private

Even if constructive, criticism can be perceived as negative.

Best to do it in private, to avoid negative impact on morale.

We, not I

Everything is teamwork.

I use "We" in most cases - except when I'm taking responsibility for something that went wrong, or for a tough decision.


Weekly one to one more sacred.

Time to realign and coach.

Walking meetings when possible - better to get out of the box answers and going deeper.


Everyone has weaknesses.

I try to:

a) ensure that everyone is in the position that best leverages their strengths (eg. moved a team member from Sales to Marketing)
b) complement the team with people who have strengths in areas where the team is weak (eg. hired a Sales Engineer to complement the team's lack of technical skills)

eg. the social aspect of Sales (incl. "wining and dining") is not my strength. I can do it, but it's not my natural inclination - I will rely on AEs to establish deeper relations with customers using social skills, while adding value myself in other ways (strategic thinking, technical expertise, dealmaking, etc..).


Constant improvement

Trainings, coaching, reading (book club), etc...

Unlimited budget for business books.


Recommended book:

High Output Management

High Output Management, by Andy Grove

