How to get browsing history from Microsoft Edge with Python

Need to access Edge browser history with Python.

This will help automate website listings, just by browsing.

Edge stores its history as a SQLite database file in /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Microsoft Edge/Default/History.

File without extension.

- copy file to dedicated folder & rename to .db
- open with sqlite3 module

import sqlite3


def select_all_records(db_file_path: str, table_name: str) -> List[DB_Record]:
    Fetches all records from the specified SQLite database table and returns them as a list of objects.

    db_file_path: The path to the SQLite database file.
    table_name: The name of the table from which to fetch the records.

    A list of objects representing the fetched records.

    db_lock = threading.Lock()

    with db_lock:

        conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file_path)
        cur = conn.cursor()

        # Execute the PRAGMA statement to get the column names
        cur.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})")
        columns = cur.fetchall()

        # Create a list of column names, including 'rowid'
        column_names = ['rowid'] + [column[1] for column in columns]

        # Define the class dynamically with attributes based on the column names
        record_class = type('DB_Record', (DB_Record,), {column_name: None for column_name in column_names})

        # Execute the SELECT query to fetch all records, including 'rowid'
                        SELECT rowid, *
                        FROM {table_name}

        rows = cur.fetchall()

        records = []
        for row in rows:
            # Create an instance of the class and set its attributes
            record = record_class()
            for column_name, value in zip(column_names, row):
                setattr(record, column_name, value)

            # Update the class dynamically to add any new attributes
            for column_name in column_names:
                if not hasattr(record_class, column_name):
                    setattr(record_class, column_name, None)



    return records

def copy_and_rename_file(source_path, destination_path, new_name):
    shutil.copy2(source_path, destination_path)
    new_path = destination_path + '/' + new_name
    shutil.move(destination_path + '/' + source_path.split('/')[-1], new_path)


# Copy and rename the SQLite file to a local folder

source_history_file = '/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Microsoft Edge/Default/History'
destination_path = '/path/to/folder/'
# Rename to `.db`
new_name = f"{'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M')}-History.db"

copy_and_rename_file(source_history_file, destination_path, new_name)

target_history_file = destination_path + '/' + new_name

# Open the SQLite file just copied and read all records from the 'urls' table
records = select_all_records(target_history_file, 'urls')

blacklist = [

for record in records:

    url = record.url

    if not any(ele in url for ele in blacklist):

        # Do something with the URLs

