
resources for the world's largest professional network

Picture sizes

Type Dimensions (pixels) Using
Profile Photo 400 x 400
Cover Photo 1584 x 396 3168 x 792
Image Post 1200 x 628
Blog Posts 1200 x 627
Web links 1200 x 627
Stories 1080 x 1920
Company Page Profile 300 x 300
Company Cover Photo 1128 x 181
Company Logo 60 x 60



Manage Sent connections here:


24 Nov 2022


from social selling company in NL:

Linkedin secrets of the algorithm

Linkedin Secrets of the Algorithm.pdf

8 ingredients of the perfect Linkedin post

Linkedin - 8 ingredients of the perfect Linkedin post.pdf

Automation tools

See LinkedIn scrapers


13 Jan 2023

Looking for an API to get Company Linkedin profile from a domain name/company website URL for Linkedinee.

Company Lookup Endpoint 2 credits

Missing 2,414 Linkedin Company profiles at present = $50


26 Jan 2023

I find that I don't really learn much from Linkedin these days.

Most content, in my feed and from my personal perspective:

  • is (self-)promotional, directly or indirectly (main purpose of the platform these days / not a criticism)
  • relatively basic, superficial or common knowledge
  • repetitive
  • a bit annoying when a new algorithmic trend appears (same tone/cadence, polls, then caroussels, etc..)
  • or very meta, ie about how to (adapt constantly to) fit the mould of the algorithm to generate content in a different way to get more views

I find myself learning the most, from social platforms, on Twitter (combined with Reddit).

Where do you learn most from social platforms?

Obviously, what content you get is also a factor of the algorithmic bubble you are in.

If you learn a lot from Linkedin: what do you learn and who do you follow for that?

To be clear, this is not a criticism of the platform or the content creators (creating good learning content is HARD!).
To each their own and plenty of people get a lot of value from it.
Just focusing here on learning value from social platforms, and getting inputs from others' experience.

(Let's see how the algorithm treats that post πŸ€”
I expect it to go and live happily ever after in a digital void πŸ˜‚)

My Connects

Hi Charlie,
Love your multi-layered headline.. "Marketing people..." πŸ‘πŸΌ
I'm not looking for a role in agencies, but I have worked with a lot of agencies and thought it might be good to connect for who knows what in the future.

Talent at VCs


we have a couple connections in common, hence references.
I was wondering if you could help me understand how talent depts work at VCs?
Are you usually acting as in-house recruitment agency for your portfolio companies, or providing fractional/shared people to support them?


we have a couple connections in common, hence references.
I was wondering if you could help me understand how talent departments work at VCs?
Are you usually acting as in-house recruitment agency for your portfolio companies, or providing fractional/shared people to support them?
I'm looking to break into working with a VC, to support one or more companies, as a GTM expert for their European market expansion.
If you can share your expert inputs I would appreciate it.

