2020 started using.

External storage
Supports the following type of origin:
- Amazon S3 bucket origin
- S3-Compatible storages
- Wasabi Storage
- Ali Storage
- Digital Ocean Spaces
- Any web server origin
- Web proxy
- Azure Blob storage
- Google Storage
- Firebase Storage
- Cloudinary backup bucket
Current usage
23 Mar 2023
My account has been dormant/passive, just using the free tier, for the country flags images on my various projects.
26 Mar 2023
Aiming to move hosting for this site from Github Pages Hosting my static website(s) with Github Pages to Netlify Netlify & ImageKit - mainly for deployment speed optimisation but also load times (Github Pages works well but Netlify seems more optimised).
See API use below.
Image transformations
image resizing
width 200px: add /tr:w-200/
before file, eg. https://ik.imagekit.io/demo/tr:w-200/medium_cafe_B1iTdD0C.jpg
width 40%: add /tr:w-0.4/
before file, eg. https://ik.imagekit.io/demo/tr:w-0.4/medium_cafe_B1iTdD0C.jpg
height: tr:h-200
width 400px and aspect ratio 4:3: /tr:ar-4-3,w-400/

Python SDK:

working script
Working script to upload my images
folder for my Notes site to ImageKit.
Both for initial upload & ongoing, ie included in shell script when updating site.
import base64
from imagekitio import ImageKit
from imagekitio.models.UploadFileRequestOptions import UploadFileRequestOptions
imagekit = ImageKit(
def encode_image_base64(image_path):
with open(image_path, 'rb') as image_file:
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
return encoded_string.decode('utf-8')
## Not needed for now / keeping for reference
# def read_image_binary(image_path):
# with open(image_path, 'rb') as image_file:
# binary_data = image_file.read()
# return binary_data
def add_image_to_imagekit(image_path, file_name, folder):
base64_encoded_image = encode_image_base64(image_path)
## Not needed for now / keeping for reference
# extensions = [
# {
# 'name': 'remove-bg',
# 'options': {
# 'add_shadow': True,
# 'bg_color': 'pink'
# }
# },
# {
# 'name': 'google-auto-tagging',
# 'minConfidence': 80,
# 'maxTags': 10
# }
# ]
options = UploadFileRequestOptions( # see https://docs.imagekit.io/api-reference/upload-file-api/client-side-file-upload#request-structure-multipart-form-data
use_unique_file_name=False, # false = uploaded with provided filename / any existing file with the same name is replaced.
# tags=['abc', 'def'],
folder=folder, # passing hierarchy of folders is allowed, eg. 'folder1/folder2/folder3'
# custom_coordinates='10,10,20,20',
# response_fields=['tags', 'custom_coordinates', 'is_private_file', 'embedded_metadata', 'custom_metadata'],
# extensions=extensions,
# webhook_url='https://webhook.site/xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx',
# overwrite_ai_tags=False,
# overwrite_tags=False,
# overwrite_custom_metadata=True,
# custom_metadata={'test_metadata': 12},
result = imagekit.upload_file(
file=base64_encoded_image, # required
file_name=file_name, # required
return result
image_path = '/path/to/file/230315-failed-pings.jpg'
file_name = os.path.basename(image_path)
folder = image_path.replace('/path/to/root/image/folder/', '').replace(file_name, '')
add_image_to_imagekit(image_path, file_name, folder)
to manage secrets in environment variables (eg private_key=IMAGEKIT_PRIVATE_KEY
) see How to save confidential data in environment variables with dotenv
Library upload
26 Mar 2023
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination
after 1,253 uploads 😢
Need to fetch first what has been uploaded before retrying.
def get_existing_files(v=False):
def fetch_files_batch(skip, limit=1000):
options = ListAndSearchFileRequestOptions(
result = imagekit.list_files(options=options)
return result.response_metadata.raw
def get_all_file_paths():
all_file_paths = []
batch_size = 1000
skip = 0
while True:
batch = fetch_files_batch(skip, batch_size)
if not batch: # No more files to fetch
for r in batch:
file_path = r['filePath']
if v:
skip += batch_size
return all_file_paths
all_paths = get_all_file_paths()
all_images_paths = [x for x in all_paths if x.startswith('/images/')]
print(f"\nℹ️ {len(all_images_paths)} files found in Imagekit")
return all_images_paths
# Get all files in local directory
all_file_paths = my_utils.fetch_file_paths_from_all_dirs('/local/path/to/images')
count_total = len(all_file_paths)
print(f"\nℹ️ {count_total} files found in local directory")
# Get all files in Imagekit
existing_files = get_existing_files()
print(f"\n{len(existing_files)} files found in Imagekit")
# Get all files in local directory that are not in Imagekit
remaining_file_paths = [x for x in all_file_paths if x.replace("/Users/xxxx/path/to/content", "", 1) not in existing_files]
count_todo = len(remaining_file_paths)
print(f"\n{count_todo} files remaining")
for file_path in remaining_file_paths:
Supports PDFs, MP4s, and other non-image files
List of supported non-image file extensions
See full list & non-supported file extensions: https://docs.imagekit.io/features/non-image-file-compression#non-image-file-extensions
01 Jan 2024
Upload script failed with 80Mb PDF.
Seems 26Mb is the limit on the free plan, though not clearly stated.
Worked fine with 25Mb PDF.