2015 read.
Book details | |
Author | Mark Robergé |
Release Date | 3 Feb 2015 |
Pages | 217 |
Amazon | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sales-Acceleration-Formula-Technology-Inbound-ebook/dp/B00T7Q9E2S/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0 |
ISBN-10 | 1119047072 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1119047070 |
ASIN | B00T7Q9E2S |
Mark served as HubSpot's SVP of Worldwide Sales and Services from 2007 to 2013, scaling the customer base from 1 to over 12,000 and his staff from one to hundreds of employees.

One of the best VP Sales playbook. Still in my top 3.
Both aligned with what I was doing/thinking at the time & showed me how to take it even further.
Essential read for anyone in Sales - VP Sales & CROs obviously, but also reps & founders/CEOs.
Book flow
Part I: The Sales Hiring Formula 1
Chapter 1: Uncovering the Characteristics of a Successful Salesperson 3
Chapter 2: Five Traits Great Salespeople Have and How to Interview for Them 11
- Coachability 12
- Curiosity 16
- Prior Success 19
- Intelligence 20
- Work Ethic 21
Chapter 3: Finding Top-Performing Salespeople 25
- Build a Recruiting Agency within Your Company 26
- Find Quality Passive Sales Candidates on LinkedIn 28
- Find Quality Passive Sales Candidates through Your Team: The “Forced Referral” 33
- Understand the Sales Talent Pool in Your Area 33
Chapter 4: The Ideal First Sales Hire 37
Part II: The Sales Training Formula 45
Chapter 5: Setting up a Predictable Sales Training Program 47
- Defining the Three Elements of the Sales Methodology: The Buyer Journey, Sales Process, and Qualifying Matrix 50
- Create a Training Curriculum around the Sales Methodology 53
- Adding Predictability to the Sales Training Formula 54
- Constant Iteration on the Sales Process 57
Chapter 6: Manufacturing Helpful Salespeople Your Buyers Trust 59
- Train Your Salespeople to Experience the Day-to-Day Job of Potential Customers 60
- Enable Your Salespeople to Build Their Personal Brand with Potential Customers Using Social Media 62
Part III: The Sales Management Formula 67
Chapter 7: Metrics-Driven Sales Coaching 69
- Implementing a Coaching Culture throughout the Organization 71
- Creating the Coaching Plan Together with the Salesperson 72
- Examples of Metrics-Driven Skill Diagnosis and Coaching Plans 74
- “Peeling Back the Onion” 79
- Measure the Coaching Success 80
Chapter 8: Motivation through Sales Compensation Plans and Contests 83
- Criteria to Evaluate a New Commission Plan 88
- Involve the Sales Team in Compensation Plan Design 89
- Promotion Tiers: Removing the Subjectivity from Promotions and Compensation Adjustments 90
- Using Sales Contests to Motivate the Team 93
- The Best Contest I Ever Ran 95
Chapter 9: Developing Sales Leaders—Advantages of a “Promote from Within” Culture 97
- Prerequisites for Leadership Consideration 102
- From the Classroom to the Real World 103
- Common Potholes from New Sales Managers 104
Part IV: The Demand Generation Formula 109
Chapter 10: Flip the Demand Generation Formula—Get Buyers to Find You 111
- How Can Your Business Rank at the Top of Google? 113
- This Does Not Happen Overnight 115
- Create a Content Production Process 116
- Complement Content Production with Social Media Participation 121
- Long-Tail Theory 123
Chapter 11: Converting Inbound Interest into Revenue 127
- Marketing’s Role in Converting Interest into Revenue 128
- Sales’ Role in Converting Interest into Revenue 137
Chapter 12: Aligning Sales and Marketing—The SMarketing SLA 149
- The Marketing Service Level Agreement (SLA) 151
- The Sales Service Level Agreement (SLA) 154
Part V: Technology and Experimentation 161
Chapter 13: Technology to Sell Better, Faster 163
- Accelerate Lead Sourcing with Technology 165
- Accelerate Sales Prospecting with Technology 167
- Accelerate Lead Engagement with Technology 170
- Automated Reporting with Technology 171
Chapter 14 Running Successful Sales Experiments 175
- Generating Ideas for Experiments 176
- Best Practices of Experiment Execution 178
Chapter 15 HubSpot’s Most Successful Sales Experiments 183
- The HubSpot Value Added Reseller (VAR) Program 183
Chapter 16 Conclusion: Where Do We Go from Here? 191
TODO get old Kindle highlights