Meetings set

Average seems to be 10 meetings/month, ie 30/SDR/quarter:

For outbound SDRs, an average of 15 meetings booked per month is expected

Meetings booked/scheduled
5-25 meetings booked per month (Operatix)
1.3 meetings per day (Tenbound)

an Outbound SDR should produce on average 15 meetings a month, with a dropout rate of 20%, meaning 12 meetings attained/month

60 meetings/demos a month
Outbound would be 25/month maximum.
our enterprise SDRs have to book 7 meetings/month

Outbound SDRs should produce 15 meetings a month

target is 10 demos sat, per month, per SDR

An SDR typically aims to book around 10-15 meetings per month.

Tier 1: Between 15-18 meetings per month

"The ROI of ABSD: Account-Based Sales Development"

As we are discussing SDR plans for 2024, thought I'd share this interview with Lars Nilsson, VP of Global Sales Development at Snowflake (largest software IPO ever).
Trained at Xerox back in the day - thought leader in the SDR space.

Some highlights:

  • 40-60% of new business pipeline should be standard contribution of SDR team.

  • at Snowflake (250 SDRs): up to 65-70% of new business pipeline generated by SDRs.

  • in enterprise business, they are moving towards a denser model of one SDR for every two enterprise sellers (vs. 1:3 to a 1:4 SDR to sales rep ratio in verticals with denser customer populations)

  • "AE should be guiding all SDR activities"

  • relationship between SDR & AE is sacred - should be nurtured.

  • went from 40k sequences down to 73.

  • sequences by vertical, persona, use case, competitive takeout strategies.

  • with AI, forecasting going from 250 SDRs today to 50 in 5 years.

KPIs for SDR team:
- primary is pipeline contribution.
- all KPIs split across output, input & efficiency.


For prospecting skills, start with books.

↳ My new favorite book: 'Outbounding' by William Miller is your detailed guide on outbound tactics. I'm going to write about my takeaways from this one.
↳ 'Fanatical Prospecting' offers mindset insights, though some parts are outdated.
↳ 'The SaaS Sales Method for SDRs' by 🐶 Jacco van der Kooij and Dan Smith dives into modern strategies.
↳ 'Spear Selling' by Jamie Shanks provides diverse account-based strategies.


↳ '30 Minutes to President's Club' is a treasure trove, mainly for AEs, but with plenty of SDR wisdom. Listen at

↳ Also, there's my podcast, 'SDR Game'.

It might sound biased, but it's designed for both newcomers and top SDRs.

It's the resource I needed when I started, and I'm learning with each episode.

Tune in here:


↳ 'Prospecting from the Trenches' by Florin Tatulea stands out.

It gives a fresh, insightful look into current prospecting trends.

My favorite one: This e-mail framework booked 300+ outbound meetings (and counting...)

Subscribe here:

↳ Personal Prospecting by Harry Sims.

Harry is obsessed with outbound strategies, and this newsletter shares what works for him.

My favorite one: 10 Rules for Outbound

Subscribe here:

Websites and blogs:

↳ 'Flip the Script' by Becc Holland is a prospecting goldmine.
↳ 'Winning by Design' takes a scientific approach to sales. My favorite article: the one about the Impact Matrix.
↳ 'Lavender 💜 ’s blog' dives into the art of cold emailing. Favorite article: The Ultimate Compilation of Lavender Sales Email Frameworks

Beyond sales resources, immerse in your prospects' world.

Skip your company's content.

Instead, delve into their favorite podcasts, blogs, and communities.

At CastorDoc, in my previous role, I kept up with the 'Data Engineering Show' and followed data leaders on LinkedIn to understand our audience better.

30 Jul 2024

Current SDR/BDR salary benchmarks for Germany


That's the first year's average OTE salary of SDRs/BDRs in Germany for 2024 so far.

Interesting how the numbers have developed:

2022: 50,481€ OTE (35,802 base)
2023: 53,069€ OTE (39,694 base)
2024: 61.364€ OTE (42,622 base)

40k base and >15k variable is a must to be competitive.

