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03 Nov 2022

What is a sabbatical?

Enjoying my first sabbatical, I looked up the origin of it:

A sabbatical is a period of leave granted to a person for the purpose of rest, renewal, and professional development. It is typically granted to academic faculty and staff, but the concept of a sabbatical can be applied to anyone who needs or wants to take a prolonged break from work.

The word "sabbatical" comes from the biblical concept of the "Sabbath," which is the seventh day of the week that is set aside for rest and worship in the Abrahamic religions. The idea of a sabbatical can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it was common for people to take time off from their work every seven years. The modern concept of a sabbatical has evolved over time, but it still retains some of the original idea of a break for rest and renewal.


I always thought that I would get bored if I took more than 2 weeks vacation - which is the longest I've taken in the past (bar a one month trip to the US).

But I'm enjoying this sabbatical so much, it's a bit scary. I'm not bored at all, and I'm not even doing anything special. I'm just doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. Learning, coding, reading, watching movies, taking care of the house, cooking, etc - and spending a lot of time with my family.

03 Jan 2023

It is now the time to get proactive in finding my next step.

Linkedin profile updated My Linkedin About section

Interesting insight: Jason Lemkin, who I have followed for 10 years, shared that he "retired" twice, after selling his startups. And it took him each time one year to realise he wanted to get back into the action.

👷🏼‍♂️ WORK IN PROGRESS 👷🏼‍♂️

