Homebrew is a package manager for macOS (and Linux) that helps users install, manage, and update various software packages, including Python and its associated tools.
Homebrew simplifies the process of installing and maintaining the Python environment on macOS.
Note that Homebrew itself is not specific to Python; it is a general-purpose package manager that can be used for managing various software on macOS.
check version
brew --version
Homebrew 4.0.6
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 80bd165fe6f; last commit 2023-03-18)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 86da4ce608; last commit 2023-03-17)
check installed packages
18 Mar 2023
Currently installed packages:
brew list
==> Formulae
aom libvidstab
aribb24 libvmaf
atk libvorbis
bdw-gc libvpx
brotli libx11
ca-certificates libxau
cairo libxcb
cjson libxdmcp
cmocka libxext
dav1d libxrender
ffmpeg little-cms2
flac lz4
fontconfig lzo
freetype m4
frei0r mbedtls
fribidi mpdecimal
gdk-pixbuf mpg123
gettext nettle
giflib opencore-amr
glib openexr
gmp openjpeg
gnutls openssl@1.1
graphite2 openssl@3
gsettings-desktop-schemas openvpn
gtk+3 opus
guile p11-kit
harfbuzz pango
hicolor-icon-theme pcre
highway pcre2
icu4c pixman
imath pkcs11-helper
iproute2mac pkg-config
jpeg-turbo python@3.11
jpeg-xl rav1e
lame readline
leptonica rubberband
libarchive rust
libass sdl2
libb2 snappy
libbluray speex
libepoxy sqlite
libevent srt
libidn2 stork
libnghttp2 svt-av1
libogg tesseract
libpng theora
libpthread-stubs tree
librist unbound
libsamplerate webp
libsndfile x264
libsodium x265
libsoxr xorgproto
libssh2 xvid
libtasn1 xz
libtiff zenity
libtool zeromq
libunibreak zimg
libunistring zstd
==> Casks
fig git-credential-manager-core