
notes on my Github use and learning

03 Jul 2022

See also: Learning Git

My Github account:

GitHub is free for personal accounts

With GitHub Free for personal accounts, you can work with unlimited collaborators on unlimited public repositories with a full feature set, and on unlimited private repositories with a limited feature set.

With GitHub Free, your personal account includes:

  • 2,000 GitHub Actions minutes per month (= 400x 5 min jobs)
  • 500 MB GitHub Packages storage
  • 120 GitHub Codespaces core hours per month
  • 15 GB GitHub Codespaces storage per month


Get Started

GitHub "Hello World"

Github's own "get started" is a good starting place - though I realised this later in the game.

Clearing a Github repo

without deleting it. Use case: static generator leaves deleted or renamed articles as HTML behind, thus impacting SEO.

git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial commit'

if the above alone does not work, add:

git remote add origin [repo_address]
git push --mirror --force

from: https://gist.github/stephenhardy/5470814


I have started starring repos I like.


There are two main reasons why people star GitHub projects:
1. Show support or appreciation


05 Sep 2022

git push hangs after Total line

git config --global http.postBuffer 157286400 worked for me.
Also, in the case of pushing my static site with Pelican, deactivating pelican -r (auto-refresh) to avoid any updates while Git is pushing.

